Hawaiʻi is the heartbeat of our identity, a love not merely of lineal descent, but one of deep connection. Our vision is inspired by old and present day Hawaiʻi, embracing liveliness, magnetism, and natural beauty. Weaving ʻōlelo into the very fabric of our brand, an integral part of our upbringing since childhood, we practice our native language and perpetuate our cultural legacy with grace. As women, we cherish the inherent power that resides in each of us.

We are Native Hawaiian owned and operated, crafting our creations with love and intention. We take pride in knowing that creating good things take time. Our design process and small-scale production result in lasting pieces that get better with every wear. A brand that not only dresses the body but adorns the spirit. Our online store opens in Spring of 2024.

Me ke aloha, @welinamai